Official Foreign Exchange Sites
Reserve Bank of Australia The RBA regular comments on the fate of the AUD in it's semi annual statement on Monetary policy, quarterly economic reports and feature articles in the Reserve Bank Bulletin. These can be down loaded from the appropriate sections of their site.
Treasury usually offers short comment on the AUD in it's quarterly publication economic roundUp and frequently comments on matters related to the dollar (foreign investment in Australia) in articles in RoundUp. The Budget papers also carry relevant comment on these matters. External Statistics are available at Bulletin Statistics
OECD The OECD regularly publishes summary statistics and summaries of it's major economic publications such as the economic Outlook and country survey's online. Frequently these contain comment and sometimes forecasts for the AUD. Sections of the OECD website where these PDF"s might be found are SourceOECD carries information mostly for subscribers. here you will some juicy freebies OECD Economics. Need data on an obscure economy ? OECD Country Survey Page
IMF Here you will a great deal of information on Australian and World exchnage rates generally. Details of Australia's account at the IMF can be viewed online in summary form and the value of the AUD in SDR's is also available on online. The IMF maintains a fantastic section where it's dealing with memner countries are summarised on individual pages. These are updated regularly and often carry statements by IMF officials and Australian politicians relevant to our external relationships. Go IMF Country Pages and try Australia and The IMF See AUD in SDR's
The Bank for International Settlements Publishes a wide range of material on the International Economy. It maintains a page of links to major speeches and articles of the worlds key bankers, publishes a quarterly review of International financial developments and a host of other related economic papers and consolidated international banking statistics. The material here is difficult but offers a systemic view of current developments. BIS frequently comments on the fate of the AUD and other major world currency developments.
Asian Development Bank
This site carries country reports and heaps of resources on Economic Development in Asian. A number of the publications of the Bank and country reviews touch on questions of international capital market stability that are relevant to understanding the fate of the AUD.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
This is an excellent site which offers morning and afternoon lists of current exchange rates against the USD as well a report on the Global Economy. An economic calender for the US economy is available from this site as well as many reports on National and regional US economic conditions. See currencies noon US time at Federal Reserve Bank of New York - Statistics
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Exchange rate time series data are available in the statistics section at the Fed. All of the Fed's economic research is available online inlcuding all of the Chairmans testimony to congress and the Beige book. A very useful site for currency forecasters!
European Central Bank
This site offers current See ( ECB - Daily euro foreign exchange reference r.. )and historical exchange rate data against the Euro as well as carrying working papers, speeches by ECB officials and the ECB monthly Economic Bulletin.