These sites offers charts and historical data on the AUD.
Selected online data sources
Free currencies futures charts - currency mar...This site offers free charts for commodities a selection of currencies including the AUD and heaps of related resources. It also includes a learning centre which offers instruction in fundamental analysis.
PACIFIC Exchange Rate ServiceOffers a financial and currency portal and access to historical data on currencies from all over the world. It also includes end of day current quotes. One can access the Penn world tables from this site if you want more historical currenct data.
Rates - Home Current quotes portal This site offers quick links to all the places on the Internet where one can access current currency and stock quotes.
ChartFlow - For All Your Chart Needs Data base of currency charts and equity charts covering the globe.
Economagic: Economic Time Series Page
This is an excellent site which offers economic time series data from all over the world including currencies. Try Browse Australian Data