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NGA Online: News and information from the National Governors' Association

This site outlines the plans of the National Governors Association in the US for coping with Globalization. It also carries a great deal of relevant materials on educational reforms in the states which will be of interest to students and teachers. May 1999: Work, Learning, and Competitiveness -- Investing in employed workers

Global Competitiveness Report - Rankings 1998 This report makes extremely useful reading and is a useful classroom resource fro anyone doing Micro Economic reform or External stability.

Students may try the links on my International Markets page and a selection of the ones set out below.

These sites usually report on the world economy.

These sites provide regular and usually up to date commentary on the Global Economy.


(1) Students using the resources in Global Economic Round Up could prepare a short report on world current economic performance. Useful resources for this are the OECD and the IMF's world economic Forecasts. Students should make and then later on evaluate their own forecasts for world economic growth.
(2) Students in groups could be assigned a country. They could then identify one world economic trend, Students could either complete a PMI on the effects of this trend on the country of their choice, or alternatively draw up a table showing how the trend will create winners and losers in their chosen economy.
The class as a whole could then compare results for a mix of countries.

These institutions provide a great deal of information on the world's economies and global economic developments. Issues relating to the regulation of the world economic are frequently reported on at the IMF in their various magazines.
United Nations Home
United Nations Statistics Division
United Nations - Economic and Social Development Web Site
UNCTAD World Wide Web Homepage The United Nations Conference on development and trade. This site carries some useful statistics and commentary on development and trade.
Welcome to the WTO The world trade organization.
The UN carries many economic statistics which are useful for students studying economic development.
The World Bank Group see Social Indicators of Development Great deal of material and commentary on third world economies.
IMF International Monetary Fund Home Page.
OECD Online
Bank Bank for International Settlements
Commentary and stats on the Global Financial system


World Economic Forum - Homepage


Moodys Economic Report

Standard Poor's Ratings Services

Joint BIS-IMF-OECD-World Bank statistics on external debt Publishes Quarterly data on debt

These sites provide directories of resources on the global economy. So if you can't find what you are looking for here sift through a few directories.
International Business Resources on the WWW

Links as well as commentary on regional and emerging markets.

Yahoo! Business and Economy:International Economy Probably the easiest and most familiar place for most students to start searching for resources on global economy
Resources for International Business

From Rutgers University. A good site focused on providing resources for International Businesses.


Centre for Research on Globalization and Labour Markets UK site with a good collection of resources.
INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR TRADE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT--ICTSD Heaps of relevant commentary and good directories of resources.


Eldis Home Page

Gateway to Economic and environmental information on the Net.

Virtual Library on International Economic Development

A huge directory of global and country specific resources.


Global citizens trade links. A set of links maintained by Ralph Naders Global citizen.

Development Economics

Gateway to Resources on this topic

Economics of Transition

Site dealing with the problems of economies in transition; demanding

Problem Solving.

Identify an International economic Issue. This could be for example an issue to do with trade or international financial regulation.

Explore at least two perspectives on this issue. They could be from;

a Multi Nationals point of view,

a countries point of view,

or the perspective of an International regulator such as the World Trade Organisation, the IMF or OECD.

Evaluate these perspectives paying careful attention to winners and losers and in particular the implication of each of these perspectives for the Australian economy.

Design or choose your own solution to this problem and justify your answer.


Current News Resources
The AGE special section dealing with the Global Economic Crisis.
TIME.com: The 1999 Davos Conference
The worlds leading CEO's examine current global trends.
TIME: Expand the Debate on Globalization
ABC News.com: Global Economy Hits Home
ABC Reports on Global economic crisis with a Javascript side show illustrating financial instability moving around the world markets.
International News Features
Both Yahoo and Excite maintain current news sections on the Asian and Latin American currency crises and a sets of relevant URL's

Business: Asian Markets Crisis

Yahoo Asia Economy

MM JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1998 Online magazine focusing on Multi Nationals.

B09.2317 - Understanding the World Macroeconomy A current course on global economy.
More Academic Resources on Globalization.

BBC News | Reith-99 Globalisation

Anthony Giddnes lectures on Globalisation.

International Forum on Globalization

60 leading UK scholars on the topic share notes etc

Globalisation: What Challenges and Opportunities for Governments? OECD outlines it's views on Globalization.
Selected Articles
Globalization: Source of Woe or Source of Wealth?
Globalization Debate from UK
Effects of globalization on sustainable development after UNCED
Mail: Chomsky speaks at UCT

Tyranny of Globasliation by Noam Chomsky

World Economic Forum at Davos
Executive outlook for the Global Economy
Sample Course Details.
Topic Details A global World
Topic Details Globalization
The Progress of Nations 1998
World History Archives: World economy
Transition Economies Home Page Newsletter on Developmental Economics
Chapters of Global Economy
Online Textbook
Lecture Notes for International Economics at Shippensburg Univ.

Innovations in Technology & Globalization part 1

An Online textbook dealing with some global issues.

The New Economy Index Vast collection on the features and characteristics of the New Economy. Good Introduction

Economic Journals

Review of Development Economics

Finance & Development, March 1999 Contents

Discussion Groups

Globalization Discussion: The Lexus and the Olive Tree, by Thomas Friedman
   Selected resources dealing with a range of aspects of the Global Economy.

Globalisation Australian Centre for Innovativeness and International Competition. Brief sections on Globalization and Knowledge economy

Economic Policy Institute home page Carries sections on Trade and Globalization and Sustainable development and other US economic Issues.


Public Citizen Founded by Ralph Nader and carries a lot material on global issues

Globalisation A site devoted to exploring issues in the Global economy.

PCDF Home Page People Centered Development Forum focuses on community based economics and includes a section on Globalization.

Globalisation Selected Left Wing Sites dealing with Globalistation.


Global Trade Watch Home Page Citizens group in the US which fight for trade justice and monitors the effects of trade on economies About Global Trade Watch

FOE: Friends of the Earth - USA: Economics for the Earth Lots of good stuff on economic development. FOE: Friends of the Earth - US

OneWorld Online - Human rights, Sustainable Development and the Environment Check their mag: Today's



The New Rules Project

International Trade and Globalization

(New Rules Alternative Economics site focusing on Community Economics and Global Issues.


Collection of Left wing articles and commentary.

1998 U.S. Merchandise Trade with Developing Countries

Organization for promoting International Business


Transitional Institute
Follows activities of Multi Nationals
Endgame index Public Information Network Databases on the activities of Transitional organizations
The Multinationals Resource Clearinghouse
Provides resources and commentary on MNC's
Welcome to Corporate Watch --- www.corpwatch.org
Transnational Corporations
Site devoted to documenting and reporting on Global companies.
Multinational Monitor On-Line Monitors and records the activities of Global Companies.
Global 500 | 500 List
Fortune Global 500 with homepages; the worlds largest companies.
Global Business - Home Page Resources for Global executives.
Currently many countries are seeking to improve their international competitiveness.
Outline the solutions adopted by two countries apart from Australia. Eg you could look at the Report on the US economy by President Clinton, see my Budget page. the Report by the National Governors association in the US above, the policies in the Singapore Budget, or some other perspective.
Compare and contrast these solutions to those adopted by the Australian Government. In your opinion whose approach will be the most effective an why ?
Debt Map
Using the links which run of this page draw up a debt map of the world. You will need an outline map of the world and then you will need to explore at debt rating agencies and other international Insitutions to find information on international debt levels. You can write in each countries debt on your map.