Tracking Currencies Fourex
Australian News Papers
These offer both commentary , current comment and daily briefings on the AUD.
The AFRHome
Breaking News Sections for the latest updates on the AUD
AFR Market Update
THE SMH Daily Round Ups at
SMH Business
The AGE MONEY; a great collection of articles on the AUD
The AGE Money
BRW : offers analysis from time to time on the AUD
Yahoo AUD
Yahoo Regional News
The following pages contains links to a wide range of resources which offer different perspective's on the Australian Dollar. Daily market round ups can be viewed at each of the major Australia Newspapers. Australian Banks regularly offer both currency analysis and forecasts which are useful for students. Foreign banks do the same. The internet makes it possible for Australians to know what people over seas think about our currency. Many commercial sites now provided 30 minute delayed and sometime real time quotes for the AUD in a range of currencies as well as maintaining news section devoted purely to foreign exchange. This means you the viewer can see the same news feeds as currency dealers in the world trading rooms. Last but not least sites which show currency futures and forecasts have also been included. These give you an idea of what dealers think the value of the AUD will be in 3 to 6 months time. Please Read the teacher notes prior to undertaking this activity and sample activities and forms are available in the pdf below/

Sites updated in real timeReuters Home | Yahoo Quotes |OzFourex


Commercial Australian sites which carry quotes and news on the AUD
Yahoo Australian Foreign Exchange
Yahoo Aus Economy/
OzFourex: Great Site -current quotes and news
The Trading Room carries current quotes.

The Official Bank


Foreign Banks which offer commentary and forecasts on the AUD

Here you will need to navigate to the Economic Research section.

FOREX NEWS: Foreign Exchange and Currency Trading

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System:What does Alan Greenspan think ?


Australian Banks; Note the difference between spot and retail rates AUD and make sure you go the research or economics section and see what the expect market economists predict for the AUD.

Currency Forecasts : These often require a java enabled browser . So if java is not enabled on your browser you will not be able to see them.

Global Currency sites. These sites offer both news, current quotes and analysis.

General Financial and Currency News

Currency News: International at Yahoo

Cnnfn markets & investing: Currencies

Reuters: Quotes and News: Great new site.

Other US and global Fourex sites; these carry news and quotes.

Wall Street Research Net; excellent Financial Portal

AUD Futures; What does the market think the value of the AUD will be in 3- 6 months time ?


JP Morgan ; Most Commentary requires registration however if you insert your e mail address and go to the volatility centre you can load a comprehensive online currency board which includes current quotes on forward rate agreements for the AUD and other currencies.

JP Morgan

Dr. Ed Yardeni's Economics Network Deuztche Bank; Excellent site with morning reports and just about every form of commentary you could wish




Global Research:Saloman Smith and Barney :Free but requires registration

Saloman and Smith and Barney