Researching Markets and Companies

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Company Directories

Yahoo! Australia
Yahoo! Business
Australian Listed Companies
Looksmart Australia
ASX Listed Companies

These web resources carry listings of company home pages where students may browse the companies available or search for companies in particular industries. Looksmart Australia's Work and Money directory is probably the best site for this kind of activity. It not only lists company web sites by industry but also offers industry associations and business news sites as well. Yahoo is still however an excellent source as well and it has the advantage that most students know how to use it.

These resources are useful for a range of purposes. These could include monitoring industries, surveys of company profits and surveys of company reports. What factors are influencing company decision making at the moment ? Typical short activities are as follows

Markets Condition

Identify two demand and supply conditions that have recently caused price changes in a market of your choice. Illustrate the effect of changes in these conditions with a demand and supply diagram.

Do current price trends indicate changes in consumer preferences? Why?

How will current price trends affect the resources allocated to your chosen industry?

Predict likely movements in the market price, using evidence in your answer.

Company Surveys

An example

Pick one current trend. For example the appreciation of the dollar.

Read the most recent CEO's or Chairmans address of a company of your choice.

Has the trend affected your company?

How has the company responded? Be specific.

What impact will your companies response have on the level of economic activity?

Explain the effect of its response on the achievement of one economic objective?

Company News

Yahoo Business News Yahoo provides heaps of coverage of Australian companies.

Google Business News Google Australia offers an excellent current collection of news stories.

The Age :Business section regularly reports on companies.

The SMH :Business Section daily commentary.

The AFR : See Investment for current details on Australian companies.

ABC News

BRW Some free articles at BRW but in the main news is only accessible to subscribers.

Industry News

Business Wire
Industry News Yahoo
Yahoo! Industry News
Other Industries
More Resources
These magazines and papers carry current comment on Australian companies. They often report on industry developments and make useful for current materials for dealing with macro economic and micro economic issues. Some activity ideas are on the left. This small list is to help students get going, however more detailed and extensive resources on companies may be found on the company search pages.

Industry News Sources

These news sources report specifically on industry developments. They are a good place to find material when teaching markets and for folio's dealing with markets. Eg identify two demand and supply factors which have affected the industry price. The Business Wire allows students to set criteria for news searches. It is an excellent resources for groups investigating industries and market. The site requires registration however no charges apply for industry searches.